Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Mausoleum of Shah Rukn-e-Alam (Multan)
Hazrat Shah Rukn-e-Alam Soharwardi
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Family Tree of Hazrat Pir Mehr Ali Shah (R.A)
Syedna Mehr Ali Shah Sahib ibn (son of)
Syed Nazr Din Shah ibn
Syed Ghulam Shah ibn
Syed Roshan Din Shah ibn
Syed Abul Rehman Nuri ibn
Syed Inayat Ullah ibn
Syed Ghayas Ali ibn
Syed Fatehullah ibn
Syed Asadullah ibn
Syed Fakhar-ud-din ibn
Syed Ihsan Ibn
Syed Dargahi ibn
Syed Jamaal Ali ibn
Syed Muhammad Jamaal ibn
Syed Abi Muhammad ibn
Syed Miran Muhammad (The elder) ibn
Syed Miran Shah Qumais Sadhoravi ibn
Syed Abil Hayat ibn
Syed Taj-ud-din ibn
Syed Baha-ud-din ibn
Syed Jalal-ud-din ibn
Syed Daud ibn
Syed Ali ibn
Syed Abi Saleh Nasr ibn
Syed Taj-ud-din Abubakar Abdul Razzaq Jilani ibn
Syedna Ghaus-e-Azam Muhyuddin Abdul Qadir Jilani ibn
Syed Abu Saleh ibn
Syed Abdullah Jili ibn
Syed Yahya Zahid ibn
Syed Shams-ud-din Zakariya ibn
Syed Abubakar Daud ibn
Syed Musi Thani ibn
Syed Abdullah Saleh ibn
Syed Musa Al-Jawn ibn
Syed Abdullah Mahd ibn
Syed Hasan Muthanna ibn
Syed Imam Hasan Al Mujtaba ibn
Syedna Ali (Karam Allah-o-Wajhu)
On the Mother’s Side
Hazrat Masuma Mawsufa (Hazrat’s mother) bint (i.e., daughter of)
Pir Syed Bahadur Shah ibn
Syed Sher Shah ibn
Syed Charagh Shah ibn
Syed Amir Shah ibn
Syed Abdullah Shah ibn
Syed Mubarak Shah ibn
Syed Hussain Shah ibn
Syed Amir Shah ibn
Syed Muhammad Muqim Shah ibn
Syed Abdul Mu’ali ibn
Syed Nur Shah ibn
Syed Lal Baha-ud-din alias Bahawal Sher Qadri (of Hujra Shah Muqim, Sahiwal) ibn
Syed Mahmud ibn
Syed Ala-ud-din ibn
Syed Masih-ud-din ibn
Syed Sadar-ud-din ibn
Syed Zaheer-ud-din ibn
Syed Shamsul Arifin Qadri ibn
Syed Momin ibn
Syed Mushtaq ibn
Syed Ali ibn
Syed Abi Saleh Nasr ibn
Syed Taj-ud-din Abubakar Abdul Razzaq ibn
Syedna Ghaus-e-Azam Muhyuddin Abdul Qadir Jilani ibn
Syed Abu Saleh ibn
Syed Abdullah Jili ibn
Syed Yahya Zahid ibn
Syed Shams-ud-din Zakariya ibn
Syed Abubakar Daud ibn
Syed Musi Thani ibn
Syed Abdullah Saleh ibn
Syed Musa Al-Jawn ibn
Syed Abdullah Mahd ibn
Syed Hasan Muthanna ibn
Syed Imam Hasan Al Mujtaba ibn
Syedna Ali (Karam Allah-o-Wajhu)
Hazrat Pir Syed Mehr Ali Shah (R.A)

He was born in 1859, preached and spread the message of Islam during the turbulent times in South Asia. He also wrote beautiful prose and poetry in Persian, Arabic and Punjabi languages. His mausoleum was recently reconstructed comprising of a dome, and a high minaret built with marble.
Hazrat Pir Syed Mehr ‘Ali Shah of Golra Sharif (to be referred to hereinafter simply as “Hadrat”) was a descendent, on his father’s side, of Hazrat Syedna Ghaus- e- Azam Shaikh ‘ Abdul Qadir Jilani in the 25th generation, and of the Holy Prophet of Islam through Syedna Hasan ibn ‘Ali in the 38th generation. On the side of his mother, he was descended from Hazrat Ghaus-e-Azam in the 24thHoly Prophet through Syedna Husain ibn ‘Ali in the 37th generation and from the generation.
Two of Hazrat’s ancestors,Pir Syed Roshan Din Shah and Pir Syed Rasul Shah in the year 1211 A.H. by the then head of Syedna Ghaus-e-Azam’s shrine at Baghdad (Iraq), Hazrat Syed habib-e-Mustafa Ibn Syed Qasim Qadiri. This testimonial is preserved in original in Golra Sharif’s shrine records, and its text is reproduced below.
“in point of ancestry and lineage, these two gentlemen, Pir Syed Roshan Din ShahPir Syed Rasul Din Shah, are the off-spring of Hazrat Syedna Shaikh ‘Abdul Qadir Jilani. In point of grace and blessedness, they are his true heirs and legatees, and I regard them as my own sons. Devotees of the exalted Qadiriyah Silsilah (chain) should therefore regard their hand as my hand and their word as my word.” and
Hazrat Syed Pir Meher Ali Shah (R.A) was born on Monday, 1st Ramadan, 1275 A.H (14th April 1859 A.D) in Golra Sharif. The time before Hazrat’s birth saw the war of independence of 1857 being fought between the British and the Muslims.
Death Of Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh
There have been many different saying about his death date, and different scholars have stated different dates. Some have stated that he died in 445 h, Darashiku, the author writes in Safina-tul-Awliya states in between 465-466 h and Prof. Nicholson states that he may have died in between 465-469 h. Even after the confusion was his exact death date we have one factor for sure that his death was in 5th century Hijri. When he arrived in Lahore, he build a mosque and his room where he stayed, at the same room he gave up his blessed soul. His blessed Khalifah Hazrat Shekih Hindi lead is funeral prayers and buried him in his blessed room, where his tomb stands to this date after nearly 965 years and is still an active lace for Sufis and other Muslims for spiritual favours and benefits.
It is related that you have died on 9th Muharram 465 hijri. Every year at this date the Ghusal Mubarak takes place where thousands of people attend from all over the world. After nearly 20 days, on 19th Safar your blessed Urs takes place. On 20th Safar the blessed Urs of Sayed-us-Shuhuda Hazrat Imam Hussain takes place. Whereas on 18th of Safar of every year after the prayers of Magrib the Ghusal Mubarak takes place and Chadar's are placed his blessed tomb.
Shrine Of Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh In Lahore
When the great saint lead the normal prayers he said to the people, where is the kaba? Which direction, then all the people stood and gathered around and saw the original Kaba. With seeing this from their own sees people got amazed and found out that the great saint was correct. After when the saint died he was buried in the room where he used to live and his shrine even stands today at the central Lahore?s Kila at Magrib direction. His Shrine was firstly build by the Ghaznawi Prince Sultan Ibrahim bin Sultan Masood Ghaznawi during the 429-451 hijri/ 1059-1099 and after that from time to time the construction was extended till now when the Department of Aukaaf, Punjab, Pakistan build an excellent mosque near the shrine and named it Data Darbar Complex. On the walls of the complex there is beautiful Islamic calligraphy of Allah Tala,
Prophet Muhammad PBUH names and of various Quranic Ayats. In this mosque abut 50 000 people can attend the prayers easily. There has been every arrangement for those people who wish to pray and there has been good facilities provided at the complex. There is also different educational institutes established for the purposes of reaching the teaching the Islamic knowledge such as Awliya and Jamia Hujwiria.
At these institutionals there are always Islamic functions held such as Melad Sharif (Prophet Muhammad PBUH blessed Birthday), Naats Functions & Qawaali in specially build halls. There is also one official Research Centre woking for the researching into teachings of Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh called ?Ali Hujwiri Chair? in Pakistan?s oldest Univerity of Punjab, Lahore. There are also plans to build a new university called ?Ali Hujwiri University?.
There is also health, social and clinical centres established such as Data Darbar Hospital, Daskari School and centre for the distribution of Drewry. Source Book ?Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh and Department of Religious and Aukaaf, Punjab Lahore, Pakistan.
Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh's Sheik's Last Advice
Sheikh Syed Ali Hujwiri writes about his Shekih?s final advice to him in Kashf al-Mahjub, which is very useful indeed.
?He did at Bayt al-Jin, a village situated at the head of a mountain pass between Baniyas and the river of Damascus. While he lay on his death bed, his head resting on my bosom (and at that time I was feeling hurt, as men often do, by the behaviour of a friend of mine), he said to me: ?O my son, I will tell thee one article of belief which, if thou holdest it firmly, will deliver thee from all troubles. Whatever good or evil Allah creates, do not in any place or circumstance quarrel with his action or be aggrieved in thy heart?. He gave no further injunction, but yielded up his soul?. Source Kashf al-Mahjub, Page 167, translated into English by Prof. Nicholson, Published by Darul Ishaat, Pakistan.
Regarding his Shekih?s last advice we do not find any thing related to the City of Lahore. It proves that the Fawaied Al-Foeid?s analysis that Hazrat Hussien and Hazrat Syed Ali Hujwiri was not contemporary to each other and did not Bayt to same Sheikh. Therefore Shekih Hussien was not spiritually related to Syed Ali Hujwiri and after the death of Shekih Hussien our Sunni Scholars and Sufis do visit his shrine and that mosque has been build next to it by Sheik Muhammad Bakhsh, which stands to this date.
Spiritual Successors Of Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh
Hazrat Abdullah also known as Sheikh Hindi and Hazrat Abu Saeed Sarkushi were the spiritual successors of Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh. From nearly 1000 years the generation of Hazrat Sheikh Hindi have the control over the holy shrine and they are the care takers.
Your blessed Sheikh and Spiritual Sccessorship
Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh had made Bayt to Hazrat Abul Fadl Muhammad bin al-Hasan al-Khuttali, he also appointed him his spiritual successor and gave Khilafat. Hazrat Data Ganj writes in his book about his Skeikh as:
He is the teacher whom I follow in Sufism. He was versed in the science of Koranic exegesis and in traditions (riwayat). In Sufism he held the doctrine of Junayd. He was a pupil of Husri and a companion of Sirwani, and was contemporary with Abu Amr Qazwini and Abul Hasan bin Saliba. He spent 60 years in sincere retirement from the world, for the most part on Mount Lukam. He displayed many signs and proofs (of sainthood), but he did not wear the garb or adopt the external fashions of the Sufis, and he used to treat formalists with severity. I never saw any man who inspired me with greater awe than he did?. Source Kashf al-Mahjub, Page 166, translated into English by Prof. Nicholson, Published by Darul Ishaat, Pakistan
Contemporaries Sufi Scholars Of Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh
Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh writes in Kashf al-Mahjub on page 172 that ?I will only mention the names of individual Sufis and leading spiritualists who have lived in my time or are still alive, excluding the formalists (ahle-I rusum)?.
Sufis in Ghazna
Hazrat Abul Fadl bin al-Asad, Hazrat Ismail al-Shashi, Hazrat Sheikh Salar-I Tabari, Hazrat Skeikh Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin al-Hakim known as Murid, Hazrat Said bin Abi Said al-Ayyar, Hazrat Khwaja Abul Ala Abd al-Rahim bin Ahmed al-Sughdi, Hazrat Skeikh Awhad Qaswarat bin Muhammad al-Jardizi (May Allah be pleased with them all).
Sufis in Quhistan, Adharbayajan, Tabaristan and Kumish.
Hazrat Sheikh Abu Tahir Makshuf, Hazrat Khwaja Hussien Simnan, Hazrat Sheikh Sahlagi, Hazrat Sheikh Ahmed bin Sheikh Khurqani, Hazrat Adib Kumandi, Hazrat Sheikh Abu Abdullah Junaidi, Hazrat Padshah-I Ta?ib, Hazrat Sheikh Faraj also known as Akhi Zanjani (May Allah be pleased with them all).
Sufis in Faris
Grand Sheikh Abul Hasan bin Saliba, Sheikh Abu Talib, Sheikh Abu Ishaq (May Allah be pleased with them all).
Sufis in Khurasan
Hazrat Sheikh and Mujtahid Abul Abbas, Hazrat Khwaja Abu Jafar Muhammad bin Ali al-Hawari, Hazrat Khwaja Abu Jafar Turshizi, Hazrat Khwaja Mahmud of Nishapur, Hazrat Sheikh Muhammad Ma?shuq, Hazrat Sheikh Syed Muzaffar bin Skeikh Abu Said, Hazrat Sheikh Ahmed Hammadi of Sarakhs, Hazrat Sheikh Ahmed Najjar Samarqandi, Hazrat Sheikh Abul Hasan Ali bin Abi Ali al-Aswad (May Allah be pleased with them all). Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh met 300 Sufi Sheikhs in Khurasan.
Sufis in Transoxania
Hazrat Khwaja and Imam Abu Jafar Muhammad bin al-Hussien al-Harami, Khwaja Abu Muhammad Banghari, Skeih Ahmed Ilaqi, Khwaja Arif ad Hazrat Ali bin Ishaq (May Allah be pleased with them all).
Sufis in Kirman
Hazrat Khwaja Ali bin al-Hussien al-Sirgani, Hazrat Sheikh Muhammad bin Salama.
Sufis in Syria and Iraq
Hazrat Sheikh Zaki bin al-Ala, Hazrat Sheikh Abu Jafar Muhammad bin al-Misbah al-Saydalani, Hazrat Sheikh Abul Qasim Suddi.
Shareat-o-Tareqat Of Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh
In Shareat (Religious Law), Hazrat Syed Ali Hujwiri was Sunni Hanafi and in Tareqat (Sufism) he was follower of the Junaidia Way (Silsala). His blessed Tareqat reaches straight to Prophet Hazrat Muhammad Sallallaho Alehe Wasalam, from where he received much favours and blessings.
Hazrat Syed Ali Hujwiri made Bayt and received Khalafat from Hazrat Abul Fadl Muhammad bin Al-Hasan Al-Khuttali and this process continues in this way to Hazrat Sheikh Husri, Hazrat Skeikh Abu Bakr Shibli, Hazrat Skeikh Junaid Bagdadi, Hazrat Skiekh Siri Saqti, Hazrat Skeikh Maruf Karkhi, Hazrat Skeikh Dawud Tai, Hazrat Skeikh Habib Ajami, Hazrat Skeikh Hasan Basri, Hazrat Syedina Ali Karam Allahu Wajhahu and then to the Greatest Prophet of all Prophets, The best of entire creation, The last and final Prophet of Allah Tala Hazrat Muhammad Sallallaho Alehe Wasalam
Shareat-o-Tareqat Of Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh
In Shareat (Religious Law), Hazrat Syed Ali Hujwiri was Sunni Hanafi and in Tareqat (Sufism) he was follower of the Junaidia Way (Silsala). His blessed Tareqat reaches straight to Prophet Hazrat Muhammad Sallallaho Alehe Wasalam, from where he received much favours and blessings.
Hazrat Syed Ali Hujwiri made Bayt and received Khalafat from Hazrat Abul Fadl Muhammad bin Al-Hasan Al-Khuttali and this process continues in this way to Hazrat Sheikh Husri, Hazrat Skeikh Abu Bakr Shibli, Hazrat Skeikh Junaid Bagdadi, Hazrat Skiekh Siri Saqti, Hazrat Skeikh Maruf Karkhi, Hazrat Skeikh Dawud Tai, Hazrat Skeikh Habib Ajami, Hazrat Skeikh Hasan Basri, Hazrat Syedina Ali Karam Allahu Wajhahu and then to the Greatest Prophet of all Prophets, The best of entire creation, The last and final Prophet of Allah Tala Hazrat Muhammad Sallallaho Alehe Wasalam
Teachers And Scholars Of Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh
Hazrat Abul Qasim bin Ali bin Abdullah Gurgani
Hazrat Abdul-Kareem Abul Qasim bin Hawazin Al-Qushayri
Hazrat Abu Said Fadlallah bin Muhammad Al-Mayhani
Hazrat Abu Ahmad Al-Muzaffar bin Ahmed bin Hamdan
Hazrat Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Ali Al-Dastani or Al-Daghstani
Hazrat Abul Fadl Muhammad bin Al-Hasan Al-Khuttali
Death Of Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh
There have been many different saying about his death date, and different scholars have stated different dates. Some have stated that he died in 445 h, Darashiku, the author writes in Safina-tul-Awliya states in between 465-466 h and Prof. Nicholson states that he may have died in between 465-469 h. Even after the confusion was his exact death date we have one factor for sure that his death was in 5th century Hijri. When he arrived in Lahore, he build a mosque and his room where he stayed, at the same room he gave up his blessed soul. His blessed Khalifah Hazrat Shekih Hindi lead is funeral prayers and buried him in his blessed room, where his tomb stands to this date after nearly 965 years and is still an active lace for Sufis and other Muslims for spiritual favours and benefits.
It is related that you have died on 9th Muharram 465 hijri. Every year at this date the Ghusal Mubarak takes place where thousands of people attend from all over the world. After nearly 20 days, on 19th Safar your blessed Urs takes place. On 20th Safar the blessed Urs of Sayed-us-Shuhuda Hazrat Imam Hussain takes place. Whereas on 18th of Safar of every year after the prayers of Magrib the Ghusal Mubarak takes place and Chadar's are placed his blessed tomb.
Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh's Stay In Lahore
When a 'Salik' (an aspirant/ Student of Sufism) goes through the Path of Sufism (Tariqat) achieving various stages (manazil) it reaches a point where the Soul (Nafs) leaves the clothes of Humanity and his heart becomes the everlasting praise of Allah. At this moment, Allah reveals various secrets to the hearts of the Saints giving them his special mercy (Marifiat) and this stage is also called Waliyat (Sainthood). Then Allah favours them with other special bounties where the Saint's inner and outer becomes cleaned and his heart shines like Sun, and his Love attracts people to the Islam. Hazrat Syed Ali Hujwiri reached this stage, Allah Tala appointed him to the land of Lahore in order to spread the word of Truth and Islam. And this is our special honour and happiness that the leader of all Sufis Hazrat DataGanj Bakhsh preached Islam in this land. Many hindus were converted at his blessed hands, and that's why we can say that Alhumdillah we are Muslims. Hazrat Syed Ali Hujwiri came Lahore at the time when Sultan Mehmood Ghaznawi was in power. Along with Hazrat Syed Ali Hujwiri was Hazrat Abu Saeed Hujwiri and Hazrat Hamaad Sarkushi. At that time the Prince Muj bin Masood was deputy head of Ghaznawi Dynasty and the city Lahore was under going various developments, which was helping the city of Lahore to emerge as Centre point of Asia. It is also difficult to say what exact date Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh came to Lahore but it is thought that he came in 431 hijri.
In Fawaied Al-Foeid, Hazrat Nizamuddin Awliya Mut 's Malfozaat's analysis, which was complied by his khalifah (Successor) Mir Hasan, writes in the sitting of 29 Zil Qadaah 708 hijri 10 May 1309 that Shekih Syed Ali Hujwiri and Skeikh Hussien were Mureed and did Bayt to one Murshid. Skiekh Hussien was settled in Lahore from long time and one day Hazrat Syed Ali's Mursheed said to him, you should move to Lahore now, on this he replied that Shekih Hussien was already there then his mursheed said you should go, therefore you left for Lahore and reached at night time and at that night Sheikh Hussien died and the next morning it was his funeral.
His mursheed ordered him to go to Lahore
Syed Ali Hujwiri's arrival was at night time at the same time when Shekih Hussine died
From this we can clearly see that the Musheed is always aware of the things happening to his mureeds and you cannot under estimate the blessed 'Spiritual Seeing' of Syed Ali's Mursheed. His Shekih also wanted to ensure that there always remains a Sufi who will be engage with Islamic preaching so that people should not be misguided therefore it was necessary to appoint Syed Ali Hujwir after when Shkhieh Hussien dided in order to continue and process. Syed Ali Hujwiri's book, Kashf Al-Mahjub does represent that the Sufi Shekihs have Karamat and he has mentioned number of Leading Sufis but we do not find the mentioning of his Shekih's this Karamat and we also not find any thing related to Shekih Hussine in his book. Whereas you have mentioned the Sahaba, Ahle Bayt, Tabaian, Taba-Tabaian, Leading Sufi Imams etc
Marriage and Personal Life Of Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh
Different scholars have stated various points regarding Hazrat Syed Ali Hujwiri marriage life. Howver the main source of information has been his book, and lets see what he says regarding it.
After God had preserved me for eleven years from the dangers of matrimony, it was my destiny to fall in love with the description of a woman whom I had never seen, and during a whole year my passion so absorbed me that my religion was near being ruined, until at last God in his bounty gave protection to my wretched heart and mercifully delivered me?. Source Kashf al-Mahjub, Page 364, translated into English by Prof. Nicholson, Published by Darul Ishaat, Pakistan.
Different opinions and views of auto biographers
His experience of married life was not pleased.
Journeys and Travels Of Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh
After completing his initial Islamic education in Ghazna at the hands of greatest Sufi Saints and Awliya Allah he decided to travel far and wide across many Islamic countries such as Syria to Turkistan, Tus, Uzkand, Mihna, Merv, Samarkand, Iraq, India, and Afghanistan to gain further spiritual knowledge and meet various Sufi Saints. He also visited the holy lands of Makkah and Madinah Sharif where he performed two hajj. He visited various Sufi Shrines and tombs and received much spiritual blessings that also benefited in spreading Islam across the Indian continent. He mentions at times in his book that there were many hard times during his travelling but he managed with them all.
During this time, he used to go to different places and invited people to Islam with love, peace and noble message. Many people accepted Islam at his hands due to his great conduct, manners, spirituality and love. He met a record 300 Shekihs of Khurasan, ?who had such mystical endowments that a singly man of them would have been enough for the whole world?. He himself makes this statement about them in his book Kashf al-Mahjub, translated into English by Prof. Nicholson, Page 174, Published by Darul Ishaat, Pakistan.
Here are some of the Sheikhs whom he met, 1. Sheikh Al-Qasim Sari, 2. Grand Sheikh Abul Hasan bin Saliba, 3. Sheikh Abu Ishaq bin Shahriyar, 4. Sheikh Zaki bin Al-Ala, 5. Sheikh Abul Hasan Ali bin Bakran, 6. Sheikh Abdullah Junaidi, 7. Sheikh Abu Tahir Makshuf, 8. Sheikh Ahmed bin Khurqani, 9. Sheikh Mujtahid Abul Abbas, 10. Sheikh Rashid Muzaffar bin Abu Said, 11. Khwaja Sheikh Ahmed Hammadi of Sarakhs and 12. Sheikh Ahmed Najjar. May Allah be pleased with them all.
Source Kashf al-Mahjub, translated into English by Prof. Nicholson, Page 172, 173 & 174, Published by Darul Ishaat, Pakistan.
Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh's Lineage From Hazrat Ali
Journeys and Travels Of Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh
After completing his initial Islamic education in Ghazna at the hands of greatest Sufi Saints and Awliya Allah he decided to travel far and wide across many Islamic countries such as Syria to Turkistan, Tus, Uzkand, Mihna, Merv, Samarkand, Iraq, India, and Afghanistan to gain further spiritual knowledge and meet various Sufi Saints. He also visited the holy lands of Makkah and Madinah Sharif where he performed two hajj. He visited various Sufi Shrines and tombs and received much spiritual blessings that also benefited in spreading Islam across the Indian continent. He mentions at times in his book that there were many hard times during his travelling but he managed with them all.
During this time, he used to go to different places and invited people to Islam with love, peace and noble message. Many people accepted Islam at his hands due to his great conduct, manners, spirituality and love. He met a record 300 Shekihs of Khurasan, ?who had such mystical endowments that a singly man of them would have been enough for the whole world?. He himself makes this statement about them in his book Kashf al-Mahjub, translated into English by Prof. Nicholson, Page 174, Published by Darul Ishaat, Pakistan.
Here are some of the Sheikhs whom he met, 1. Sheikh Al-Qasim Sari, 2. Grand Sheikh Abul Hasan bin Saliba, 3. Sheikh Abu Ishaq bin Shahriyar, 4. Sheikh Zaki bin Al-Ala, 5. Sheikh Abul Hasan Ali bin Bakran, 6. Sheikh Abdullah Junaidi, 7. Sheikh Abu Tahir Makshuf, 8. Sheikh Ahmed bin Khurqani, 9. Sheikh Mujtahid Abul Abbas, 10. Sheikh Rashid Muzaffar bin Abu Said, 11. Khwaja Sheikh Ahmed Hammadi of Sarakhs and 12. Sheikh Ahmed Najjar. May Allah be pleased with them all.
Source Kashf al-Mahjub, translated into English by Prof. Nicholson, Page 172, 173 & 174, Published by Darul Ishaat, Pakistan.
Education Of Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh
During the time of Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh there were not established educational institutes like we have in modern times. Mosques used to teach Quran Majeed reading and memorising. It was very hard for many people to study Islamic knowledge at those times due to many problems. Many students used to travel far to gain valuable Islamic knowledge at the feet of pious and sufi scholars.
Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh opened his eyes into the blessed noble family who was famous for their Islamic and Spiritual knowledge. His family?s piety, asceticism, mysticism, theology and righteousness were great and it had great influence on him, which then helped him to become the greatest Leader of Sufis and Awliya Allah.
He also benefited a lot from the pious conduct of his noble family members whose character, ways, manners and upbringing were excellent examples of living Islamic life. Therefore he belongs to the Family of the Prophet Hazrat Mohammad Sallallaho Alehe Wasalam and was clean, noble and ideal for anyone to follow them.
Way Of Dressing Of Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh
He used to wear simple clothes and did not approve of wearing highly expensive clothes. He used to select his way of dressing himself.
He further sates in his renowned book Kashf al-Mahjub that Others, again, do not trouble themselves about clothes at all. They wear either a religious habit (aba) or an ordinary coat (qaba), whichever God may have given them; and if he keeps them naked, they remain in that state. I, who am Ali b. Uthman al-Jullabi, approve of this doctrine.
Source Kashf al-Mahjub, translated into English by Prof. Nicholson, Page 52, Published by Darul Ishaat, Pakistan
Family Name Of Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh
Monday, June 8, 2009
Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh Ali Bin Usman Shekih Ali Hajweri

Hazrat Ali Hajveri (Data Ganj Bakhsh)
He was born in 400 A.H. in Ghazni (Afghanistan). He belonged to a Syed family (descendant of the Holy Prophet). He completed his earlier education in Ghazni by memorizing the Holy Quran. Then he studied Arabic, Farsi, Hadith, Fiqh, Philosophy etc. At that time Ghazni was the center of education in Central Asia, and it was the realm of the famous Afghan ruler Sultan Mahmood Ghaznavi.
After completing the wordly education, he searched for the spiritual education. He travelled to many places for this purpose, and finally became spiritual disciple of Hazrat Abul Fazal Mohammad bin Khatli, in Junaidiya Sufi Order, who lived in Syria.
In Syria, Hazrat Ali Hajveri started his spiritual education under the guidance of Hazrat Abul Fazal, he slept less, ate less, performed tough contemplations & meditation. Then he travelled to many countries & places like Iran, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Arabia, Azerbaijan etc. There he met many Sufi saints & dervishes.
Once he entangled in a spiritual mystery, and wasn't able to solve it, so then he went to the tomb of Hazrat Bayazid Bistami, where he meditated for many days, even he finally solved that spiritual mystery. On another occasion he entangled, and also went to the tomb of Hazrat Bayazid Bistami, but this time he found no clue. So then he left for Khurasan (A Province in Iran), he stayed in a village, where he found a group of Sufi dervishes. Because Hazrat Ali Hajveri always wore simple & normal dress, so those Sufis said to eachother that this person (Ali Hajveri) doesn't belong their group, (As they all were wearing specific dress of dervishes). Hazrat Ali Hajveri stayed with them, they ate delicious foods, and gave him a dry bread to eat. They also mocked on Hazrat Ali Hajveri, threw on him the crusts of fruits. Hazrat Ali Hazjveri addressed God: "O God! if these people wouldn't be wearing the clothes of your friends (dervishes), then I wouldn't tolerate their insulting behavior."
During the journey of Syria, he visited the tomb of the great Companion of the Holy Prophet, Hazrat Bilal. There he slept for a while, and found himself in Makka, where he saw the Holy Prophet with an old man, he didn't recognize him & thought who he could be? Then Hazrat Ali Hajveri fell on the feet of the Holy Prophet & kissed them. The Holy Prophet knew what Hazrat Ali Hajveri had in his mind, so he told Ali Hajveri: "This old man is Abu Hanifa, your Imam."

Later his spiritual teacher Hazrat Abul Fazal ordered him to go to Lahore to preach the spiritual teachings of Islam. He said: "Hazrat Shah Hussain Zanjani is already there for this purpose, so then why should I go to there? Hazrat Abul Fazal said: "It's none of your business, just go to Lahore." So he left Syria & came to Ghazni. From Ghazni he went to Peshawar & then to Lahore, in 1041 A.D (431 A.H). When he reached to Lahore, he saw that people are taking a coffin towards the graveyard for burial. He asked who is he? People replied that it is the dead body of Hazrat Shah Hussain Zanjani. After hearing that, he understood why his teacher Hazrat Abul Fazal sent him to Lahore. After reaching to Lahore, he started to preach Islam & built a mosque there.
At that time Lahore was included in the Ghazni Kingdom, whose ruler was Sultan Mahmood Ghaznavi. And the governer of Lahore was Ra'e Raju, who was a Hindu & had many great mystical abilities. People of Lahore were used to supply milk to Ra'e Raju in big quantity, as a capitation. Once an old woman was on her way to pass before Hazrat Ali Hajveri, holding a water-pot poured with milk. Hazrat Ali Hajveri asked her to give him some milk from that. The woman refused & said that she has to give it to Ra'e Raju. Hazrat Ali Hajveri said: "Give some milk to me, by the grace of God, your cow will produce much more milk than usual". The woman gave him the pot, Hazrat Ali Hajveri drank some milk, and then threw the remaining into the river. The old woman when went to her home, she was surprised to see the breasts of her cow who were full of milk. She poured all of her pots from milk, but still the cow's breasts were full. Soon this news spread all around the Lahore, and people started to visit Hazrat Ali Hajveri, and all people brought milk for him, and he also drank some milk from their pots & then threw the remaining into the river, and all of their cows started to produce more milk. So they stopped to supply milk to Ra'e Raju.
Later Ra'e Raju sent one of his disciples to Hazrat Ali Hajveri, as his disciples also had mystical abilities. That disciple didn't come back, so Ra'e Raju sent another disciple, who also didn't come back. In that way, he sent all of his disciples, but no one came back at all. Finally he himself went to Hazrat Ali Hajveri, in anger. Ra'e Raju challenged Hazrat Ali Hajveri to show him any miracle. Hazrat Ali Hajveri replied: "I'm not a juggler." But Ra'e Raju tried to impress him with his miracles, and started flying in the air, Hazrat Ali Hajveri ordered his shoes to bring him down. So the shoes of Hazrat Ali Hajveri went to the flying Ra'e Raju & started to strike on his head & broght him down. Ra'e Raju was inspired & embraced Islam on his hands. After accepting Islam he changed his name as Shaikh Ahmed Hindi.
When Hazrat Ali Hajveri built a mosque in Lahore, that mosque's front was towards south, and differed from all other mosques of Lahore. So there became a doubt that this mosque's fron't isn't towards Ka'ba. The Scholars of Lahore objected over that mosque, but Hazrat Ali Hajveri didn't reply them. When the mosque was built completely, he invited all scholars of Lahore & said to them: "You objected over this mosque's Ka'ba direction, now look by yourself in which direction Ka'ba actually is!" When they looked at the front, they saw Ka'ba, as they are sitting before Ka'ba in Makka. All scholars felt ashamed after watching that, and apologized.
Hazrat Ali Hajveri also built a room adjacent to that mosque, and used that room as Khanqa (Spiritual School). Many unbelievers accepted Islam on his hands, many people touched the higher stages of spirituality under his guidance. He married twice, but both of his wives died soon after marriage. He had a son, named "Hasan".
He lived in Lahore for 21 years, and then went to Syria to meet his spiritual teacher Hazrat Abul Fazal. And after the death of Hazrat Abul Fazal in 453 A.H, he again came to Lahore.
Hazrat Ali Hajveri wrote many books, some of his books are: Diwan-e-She'r; Minhajuddin; Al-Bayan Lahal- Al-Ayan; Israrul Kharq Wal-Mauniyat; Behrul Quloob; Kitab Fana Wa Baqa; Birri'ayat Be-Huqooq-Ullah; Kashful Israr; Sharah-e-Kalam; and Kashful Mahjub.
He died at the age of 65 in 465 A.H., in Lahore.
When Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti came to Lahore in 561 A.H (1165 AD), he stayed at the tomb of Hazrat Ali Hajveri for two weeks, where he medidated. And when he finished his meditation, he said a couplet in Farsi:

Ganj Bukhsh Faiz-e-Alam; Mazhar-e-Noor-e-Khuda
Naqisa-ra Pir-e-Kamil; Kamila-ra Rahnuma
Ganj Buskh (Bestower of Spiritual Treasures) is a grace to the world; a manifester of God's light.
A perfect spiritual teacher for the beginners; a guide for perfected