Aulia Allah

Monday, June 11, 2012

Morocco Saint(s)

Blessed Grave of Qadi Ayad (Rehmatullah Alaih) - A great Wali who passed away nearly 900 years ago. Writings such as Ash Shifa Shareef are commonly widespread till this day and translated into many different languages, the works prove that bareIwis are nothing new. It is said that whoever has Ash-Shifa in their house will recieve lots of Blessings, Barakah and protection


Blessed Grave of Imam Suhaili (Rehmatullah Alaih)


Blessed Grave of Imam Jazuli (Rehmatullah Alaih)
Writer of Dalail Ul Khairat, an amazing book of Darood Shareef with endless benefits

Imam Ahmad al-Sawi relates that one day Jazuli went to perform his ablutions for the prescribed prayer from a nearby well but could not find any means to draw the water up. While thus perplexed, he was seen by a young girl who called out from high above, "You're the one people praise so much, and you can't even figure out how to get water out of a well?" So she came down and spat into the water, which welled up until it overflowed and spilled across the ground. Jazuli made his ablutions, and then turned to her and said, "I adjure you to tell me how you reached this rank." She said, "By saying the Blessings upon him whom beasts lovingly followed as he walked through the wilds (Allah bless him and give him peace)." Jazuli thereupon vowed to compose the book of Blessings on the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) which came to be known as his Dala'il al-Khayrat or "Waymarks of Benefits


Zaouia, also spelled zawiya or zawiyah, is a Maghrebi and West African term for an Islamic religious school cum monastery, roughly corresponding to the Eastern term "madrassa". In precolonial times, these were the primary sources for education in the area, and taught basic literacy to a large proportion of children even in quite remote mountainous areas - leading to a 40% literacy rate in Algeria in 1830, for instance, which was actually higher than after the French left. Their curriculum began with memorization of the Arabic alphabet and the later, shorter suras of the Qur'an;

if a student was sufficiently interested or apt, it progressed to law (fiqh), theology, Arabic grammar (usually taught with al-Ajurrumi's famous summary), mathematics (mainly as it pertained to inheritance law), and sometimes astronomy. These are still operational throughout the Maghreb, and continue to be a major educational resource in the Sahel of West Africa, from Mauritania to Nigeria.

Islam in Morocco : Islam was brought to North Africa by early Arab warriors conquering territories (Oqba Ben Nafi in 680 and Moussa Ben Nosair in 703-711) and by traders voyaging back and forth along ancient trans-Saharan caravan routes. The first African pilgrImages to Makkah were from Cairo during the era of the Fatamid dynasties (909-1171). These early Muslims, traveling in camel caravans across the Sinai Peninsula to the Hijaz region of Arabia (where Makkah is located), established a route that was used continuously until the 20th century. By the 13th century, pilgrim routes across North Africa from as far west as Morocco linked with the Cairo caravan to Makkah. Three caravans were regularly started from the Moroccan towns of Fez, Marrakech and Sijilmasa. They often combined on the route and proceeded under a united leadership eastward across the North African deserts. Composed of pilgrims, merchants and guards, the great caravans often had a thousand or more camels. Covering perhaps twenty miles a day and visiting the fabled Islamic mosques of Tlemcen (Algeria) and Kairouan (Tunisia), they took many months to reach Egypt. Beginning in the 19th century, a sea route through the southern Mediterranean to Alexandria became the most favored route for Moroccan pilgrims journeying to Makkah.

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