Aulia Allah

Monday, June 11, 2012

Haji Imdadullah Muhajir Makki

Haji Imdadullah Muhajir Makki (December 31, 1817 - October 18, 1899) was an eminent South Asian Muslim 'Alim, and Chishti Sufi saint.

Haji Imdadullah Muhaajir Makki was born in Nanauta, a town in the district of Saharanpur in Uttar Pradesh, India on December 31, 1817. His name, "Imdadullah", means "Assistance of Allah". Through his ancestry, he was a Faruqi or a descendant of 'Umar Faruq. he had three brothers. Zulfiqar and Fida Husain were older than him, while Bahadur Ali Shah was younger than him. He also had a younger sister, Bi Wazirun Nisa. When he was born, he was named "Imdad Husain". However, when the renowned muhaddith, Shah Muhammad Ishaq, heard this name, he disliked it and advised that it be changed to "Imdadullah". he also attributed the names "Khuda Baksh" and "'Abdul Karim" to himself. At the age of three, he was sent to Sayyid Ahmad Shahid, who bestowed upon him the symbolical bay'at of tabarruk. When he was seven years old, his mother, Bibi Haseeni, died. She left behind a wasiyyat which stated: "Honour this wasiyyat of mine. No one should touch my child". Because the strict observance of this wasiyyat, his education did not receive much attention. However, he yearned to memorize the Qur’an. Thus, despite the absence of encouragement from others, he commenced memorization of the Qur’an. Despite a number of obstacles, he completed it at the age of twenty-three. At the age of nine, he accompanied Moulana Mamluk 'Ali to Delhi. There, he studied sarf, nahw, and Persian under him. He then studied Mishkatul Masabih under Moulana Muhammad Qalandar Muhaddith Jalalabadi and 'Hisnul 'Hasin and Fiqh Al Akbar under Moulana Abdur Rahim Nanautvi. He also studied Mathnavi Ma'anvi under Shah Abdur Razzaq. This was the only education that he received, but he was blessed by Allah with 'Ilm Ladunni.

At the age of eighteen, his bay'at was accepted by Shaikh Moulana Nasiruddin Naqshbandi, from whom he learned the various adhkar of the Naqshbandi silsila. After only a few days with his Pir-o-Murshid, the mantle of khilafah was conferred to him. Thereafter, he saw the Islamic prophet Muhammad in a dream. It was on the basis of this dream that he sought for his bay'at to be accepted by Mianji and it did. After only a few days, the mantle of khilafah was conferred to him once again. After the death of Mianji, he became reclusive. In consequence, he developed a fear and detestation for people. He withdrew himself from the midst of people and wandered in the wilderness of Punjab. He would refrain from eating for up to eight days. Finally, after wandering in the wilderness for six months, in 1260 AH, he saw Muhammad in a dream. In this dream, Muhammad said: “Come to us”. Thus, he was overcome by a strong urge to travel to Medina. Ultimately, on December 7, 1845, he arrived at Bandares. From there, he departed for Arafaat. When he reached Makkah, he had much difficulty. For nine days, he had no food at all. He only lived on Zamzam water. He became extremely weak. On the tenth day, he requested help, but no one assisted him until one person gifted him with 100 riyals. From that month on, every month of his life, he would receive 100 riyals. He never suffered after that for his needs. After the completion of his 'Hajj, he remained with Shah Ishaq Muhajir Makki and others, deriving spiritual benefit from them. Shah informed him that, after ziyaara to Medina, he should return to India. Sayyid Qudratullah Banarasi Makki sent several of his murids to accompany him to Medina. After ziyaara to Muhammad’s grave, he derived the faidh of Medina. While in Medina, he expressed his desire to remain in Medina to Shah Ghulam Murtaza Jhanjhaanwi Madani, who advised him to be patient for a while as he will return. After a few days, he returned to Makkah, where he remained for a few days before returning to India.

After his return to India , people started to insist on having their bay'at accepted by him, but his humility forced him to refuse. However, a directive from the ghaib compelled him to submit to the people's wishes. Thus, he commenced the process of bay'at. Meanwhile, his enthusiasm and yearning to immigrate increased day by day. Then, the Mutiny of 1857 occurred. In the aftermath of this upheaval, he bid farewell forever to India. He left via Punjab. En route, he visited the graves of the Auliya Hyderabad. Thereafter, he embarked from Karachi for Makkah. Haji Imdadullah Muhaajir Makki remained at the ribat of Seth Isma'il on Mount Safa for some time. He passed most of his time in solitude and muraaqabah (meditation), therefore he could not associate much with the inhabitants of Makkah. However, during the days of 'Hajj, on account of the wishes of devotees from India to meet him, Hadhrat would remain in public. After some time, a directive from the ghaib drew his attention to the fact that an 'Aarif should not abandon any Sunnah of Muhammad. Nikah was, therefore, essential. Because of this directive, he married Bi Khadija on February 6, 1866. The mahr was sixty riyals. In 1294 AH, his attendants, after considerable insistence, purchased a house in Haarratul Bab for them.

He was of frail physical stature because of mujaahadaat, riyaadhaat, and reduction of food and sleep. In his last years, his body deteriorated to such an extent that, towards his death, it became difficult for him to even turn onto his side. He died at the time of Fajr Adhan on Wednesday, October 18, 1899 at the age of eighty-one. He is buried in Jannatul Ma'laa in Makkah. He left behind a stick, two sets of winter clothes, and two sets of summer clothes. Approximately 500 or more 'Ulama had their bay'at accepted by him.

Written Works

The following are the most renowned of his works:

1. 'Hashiya Mathnavi Moulana Rumi: This is an annotation in Persian on the Mathnavi of Moulana Rumi. During his lifetime, only two parts could be printed. The remainder was printed after his demise.

2. Ghiza-e-Ruh (The Nourishment of the Soul): He wrote this kitab in 1264 AH. Mianji Nur Muhammad is also discussed. This book consists of 1600 verses of poetry.
Jihad-e-Akbar (The Greater Jihad): He composed this kitab in 1268 AH. It is a poetic work in Persian that he translated it into Urdu. It consists of 17 pages with 679 verses.

3. Mathnavi Tuhfatul Ushshaq (Mathnavi – A Gift for Lovers): This consists of 1324 poetic verses and was compiled in 1281 AH.

4. Risala Dard Ghamnak (The Treatise of Painful Sorrow): It consists of 5 pages with 175 verses.

5. Irshad-e-Murshid (The Directive of the Murshid): This kitab deals with wadha'if, muraaqabaat, aurad, and shajaraat of the four silsilas. It was written in 1293 AH.
Zia ul Quloob (Glitter of the Hearts): This kitab is in Persian. He wrote this kitab in Makkah in 1282 AH on the request of Hafiz Muhammad Yusuf, the son of Hafiz Muhammad Zamin.

6. Faisla Haft Masla ( A book on seven controversial issues)

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