Aulia Allah

Monday, June 18, 2012

Hazrat Haider ALi Shah Jalalpuri (ra) {Jhelum, Pakistan}

Hazrat Haider ALi Shah Jalalpuri (rh)

Hazrat Haider ALi Shah Jalalpuri was the Disciple and Khalifa of Hazrat Hazrat Shah Shams Uddin Sialvi r.a. The shrine of Hazrat Haider ALi Shah Jalalpuri is in Jalalpur Sharif District Jhelum, Pakistan.

Hazrat Haider Ali Shah (R.A) was born on third of Safr-ul-Muzaffar in 1254 (26 April, 1838) in a noble family on Friday which is the most important day in our lives. His father Syed Jummah Shah Baadshah (R.A) was one of those who are friends of Allah, the Holy Saints, and Resigned. Child hood of Hazrat Haieder Ali Shah(R.A) was excellent and unique from other kids of his time. It is reported that Khawjah Haider Ali Shah sahib (R.A) performed fasting of Ramadan in the age of 5 - 6 years. He learnet Holy Quran from His Uncle Syed Imaam Shah Sahib (May Allah kareem be pleased with Him). Mian Khan Muhammad AA`zam puri and Mian Abdullah chakravi Sahib were the Hazrat's Teacher for basic Urdu and Persian.Then a great compassion of higher education led Khawjah Ghareeb Nawaz to a Town Pin an-Wall where He learned Fiqah from Qazi Muhammad Kamil Sahib. When Shah Sahib turned to 17, His Father (May Allah kareem be pleased with Him) passed away
As usual, one night,, Hazrat Haider Ali Shah r.a was at Darbar sharif of Hazrat Syed Miraan Shakir Shah (R.A), He was ordered to visit Syed Ghulam Shah Sahib Haranpuri. Hazrat khawjah Ghareeb Nawaz (R.A), with permission of His Mother (May Allah be pleased with Her), went to Haranpur to visit Syed Ghulam Shah Sahib (R.A). He led Him to Hazrat Khawjah Shams-ul-Deen Sialvi (R.A) for the procedure of Bayat. It was seventh Rajab-ul-Murajjab (1271), when Khawjah Ghareeb Nawaz became disciple (Mureed) of Khawjah Sialvi (R.A). Hazrat khawjah Sialvi taught Him few books of Tasawwuf (Sufism) e.i Muraqa` Sharif and Kashkol Sharif. After about five years, he was bestowed dignity (khilafat) from Khawjah Shams-ul-Din Sialvi (R.A). Hazrat Haider Ali Shah sahib (R.A) was extremely found of visiting Khawjah Sialvi (R.A) and He (R.A) was very favoured by Khawjah Sialvi (R.A). Hazrat's life was full of obedience, abstinence, modesty, morality and tolerance. He was the best example of honesty, humanity, liberality and kindness. He was on the top list of Khawjah Sialvi (R.A)
It was Monday, sixth of Jamadu-us-Sani (1326), when Hazrat Haider Ali Shah (R.A) passed away (reciting the Holy word Allah) before the prayer of Zohr

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