Aulia Allah

Monday, June 18, 2012

Hazrat Hafiz Mohammed Ali Khairabad (ra) {Khairabadi, India}

Hazrat Hafiz Mohammed Ali Khairabad (rh)

Hazrat Hafiz Mohammed Ali Khairabad was the Disciple and Khalifa of Hazrat Shah Suleyman Taunsvi r.a. The shrine of Hazrat Hafiz Mohammed Ali Khairabad is in Khairabadi, India.

Hazrat Hafiz Mohammed Ali Khairabadi RA (as he was popularly known) is the direct descendant of the Holy Prophet SAW, following the lineage of Hazrath Ghausal Azam RA. He was one of the leading Khulafas of the great illuminary of Punjab (India), Rohela of Hazur Qibla-e-Alam Khwaja Maharvi, Hazrath Khwaja Suleman Tawsawi RA.
He was born in 1192 AH (1778AC). He committed the Holy Quran to memory and enrolled as a student in Khairabad, later proceeding to Shahjahanpur and finally to Delhi
On the specific instructions of his Sheikh he started the process of Peeri Mureedi. Thousands of people pledged bait on his hand. He established his Khanqah in Khairabad. It proved to be the cradle of learning which later became famous as the Khairabadi school of thought. He was a very practical man who attracted a number of knowledge-thirsty and spiritual-hungry personalities from the length and breadth of India. He also spent ten years in the Haramain (Mecca and Medina).
Hafiz Paak RA was referred to as the "Shibli of the Era" and "Sultan-ul-Mashaikh". He kept away from kings and affluent arrogant people. He passed away on 19 Zil Qada 1266 AH at the age of 71. One of his most well known Khulafas is Hazrath Khwaja Habib Ali Shah r.a.

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