Aulia Allah

Monday, June 18, 2012

Hazrat Habib Ali Shah Hayderabadi (ra) {Hayderabad,India}

azrat Habib ALi Shah Hayderabadi (rh)

Hazrat Habib ALi Shah Hayderabadi was the Disciple and Khalifa of Hazrat Hazrat Hafiz Mohammed Ali Khairabad r.a. The shrine of Hazrat Habib ALi Shah Sahib is in Hayderabad,India.

Hazrath Habib Ali Shah RA was born at Hyderabad, Deccan, India. He was the fourth son of a philanthropic billionaire, Nawab Ahmad Yar Khan Muhyud Dawlah. His birth was the miraculous prediction made by Hazrath Khwaja Hafiz Muhammad Ali Shah RA of Khairabad, India, who made regular spiritual and educational visits to Hyderabad, that a spiritual child will be born in the Nawab's house. Although the wife of the Nawab had passed child-bearing age, a child was born.
When this child grew up he renounced his title and an estate worth several billion rupees and entered the realms of true faqiri. He showed his ameeri in later life when he hardly had any material possessions and yet during his trips to the blessed city of Ajmer Shareef he was seen distributing countless rupees to the needy and indigent
The city of Khairabad was a centre of learning and the Khanqah was a popular focal point for the training of ulema. He received his spiritual training here under Hazrath Khwaja Hafiz Mohamed Ali Shah RA who was the Shaikh and teacher at the centre. Before long, the Shaikh appointed him as a Kutub of Kokan and instructed him to serve the community of the cosmopolitan city of Mumbai (Bombay).
He left for Bombay where he established a centre in Dockyard Road, Majgown, which still exists today, perpetuating the legacy of selfless service for which its founder was famous. Hazrath Habib Ali's entire life speaks of profound spirituality, unblemished service and countless miracles. His spiritual lineage or Silsila was the Chistia, Qadiria as well as various other orders. He not only made mureeds (disciples) but trained them to serve as khulafas (spiritual successors). He sent his renowned khulafas to the different parts of the world with the specific instructions that they provide selfless service to humanity and that they propagate Islam in its pristine purity, restraining from indulging in futile debates and vain arguments.
Hazrath Khwaja Habib Ali Shah RA passed away in Bombay on 6 Zil Haj 1322 (1904). It was decided that his body be taken to Hyderabad by train so that he could be buried there. The normally twenty-four hour train journey took three days because of the multitudes of people that gathered at every major station along the route and insisted on offering Janaza prayers. Eventually, on 10 Zil Haj, his body was laid to rest next to the mosque in the city of his birth

1 comment:

  1. Jazakallah Khair

    Haamed Pasha Habibi Siddiqui
    Toronto Dec 23 2012
