Aulia Allah

Monday, May 21, 2012

Hazrat Nanne Shah Baba, Izzat nagar

Hazrat Nanne Shah Baba, Izzat nagar

This mazaar is build right in between the Railway track of Izzat nagar station,
When the tracks were being laid there were a lot of accidents happening, then one day the engineer goa a dream in which he was told that a Beloved Friend of Allah is sleeping in the place where he is construction the railway track..and he was directed to leave that much space and then lay the lines.

The Engineer did the same and then he was succesfully able to lay the rail tracks and on investigation this Mazar of Hazrat Nanne Shah baba was discovered and constructed.

1 comment:

  1. The urse of syyed nanhe shah baba will held on 18,19,20 may..and the ceremony of kul-sharif tymings are as folows:
    21st may at you all are kindly requested to join us at bareilly..
